Small Business Formation

Aztec Project helps you turn your business idea into an operating company

We organize and register your LLC in the state of your choice.

More than 250 companies formed in 26 states

We organize and file your LLC in the state of your choice. Our package includes the state fee, registered agent service for the first year, and obtaining an EIN. Additionally, we provide you with a free operating agreement form.

At Aztec Project, we provide personal attention and straightforward pricing.
Beware of those large corporations that offer "free" services but then make you to purchase other "services" at a higher cost and they never take your calls.
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As foreigner, you do not need SSN or ITIN to form an LLC

We specialize in small businesses

We assist international customers living abroad

If the state or federal procedure you need is online or by mail, at Aztec Project we manage it for you. Request a quote now!


Tax Preparation Services

Business Plans for business financing or for investors visa.

Apply to obtain the State Sales Tax

State Reports, Franchise Tax and Sales Tax

Tax Classification Election as S-Corp

Tax Classification Election as C-Corp

Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA)

Hire the BOC-3

Obtain USDOT and MC Authority.


Reinstatement of your LLC or Corp

Close your LLC or Corp

Our job is to make the process simple for you!

Contact Us

¡We form companies in all States!

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